Photo taken in Melbourne centre city in April 2020.
We thought that the COVID lockdown would be over in that year.
Bourke Street at the end of August 2021, looks just the same.
Hopefully in 2022, may look different.
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@omid: Thank you my friend
@Henny: Thanks for stopping by Henny. Best wishes
@Anna Cherer: Merci Anna. Nous avons, comme même un peu mar d’être enfermer si longtemps!.
@Hiro: Thansk Hiro
@Vaido: Yes, we all need to hope for the best. Thanks
@Jason Kravitz: Thanks for stopping by Jason. See you in DD soon !
@Gary: Thanks Gary
@Ana Lúcia: Thank you
@Elaine Hancock: The only people we see are the cleaners in the street, sterilising the seats, doors and poles
@Darkelf Photography: Thanks. You guys are doing OK. I hope you can stay that way until we open
@Yuelleum: Thanks Steve. Cheers