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Satin Bower Bird

Posted by
: Helen : (is currently photographing in Melbourne, Australia) on 18 October 2019 in Animal & Insect.

Satin Bowerbird - (Ptilonorhynchus violaceus)

This is a male Satin Bowerbird.

They are known due to "its practice of building and decorating a bower to attract females. This consists of two parallel walls of sticks, is built on the ground, and is used as a courtship arena during the breeding season. The male decorates it with bright blue coloured objects that it collects; the majority of decorations away from human habitation.

A mixture of chewed vegetable matter and saliva is used to paint the walls of the bower. The bower owner meticulously maintains it throughout the year. On the arrival of a female, the male Satin Bowerbird leaps into a ritualised display of exaggerated movements, such as strutting and bowing, with wings outstretched and quivering, and accompanied by a variety of mechanical-sounding calls, such as buzzing and rattling interspersed with mimicry."

Source: Birds in Backyards
Video: Satin Bowerbird Courtship behaviour by Carlo Ferraro

Canon EOS 6D Mark II 1/320 second F/5.0 ISO 10000 278 mm

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Existence Artistique from Angers, France

beau bleu profond à ses plumes

18 Oct 2019 6:19am

Dimitrios from ATHENS, Greece

great builder!

18 Oct 2019 7:10am

Aminus3 Discover from United States

Thanks for contributing your story to Aminus3 Discover. It has been posted here

18 Oct 2019 9:57am

Ralf Kesper from Fröndenberg, Germany

Adorable caught.

18 Oct 2019 11:37am

ryse from bordeaux, France

Merci pour les explications très intéressantes.
Cet oiseau est magnifique avec ses plumes bleu nuit et cette paille dans son bec...
Bonne soirée

18 Oct 2019 7:11pm

omid from mashhad, Iran

such beautiful focus & colors!
A M A Z I N G !

19 Oct 2019 9:29am

ceteceva from Angers, France

Les oiseaux sont très intéressants à observer !

11 Nov 2019 6:20pm