Satin Bowerbird - (Ptilonorhynchus violaceus)
This is a male Satin Bowerbird.
They are known due to "its practice of building and decorating a bower to attract females. This consists of two parallel walls of sticks, is built on the ground, and is used as a courtship arena during the breeding season. The male decorates it with bright blue coloured objects that it collects; the majority of decorations away from human habitation.
A mixture of chewed vegetable matter and saliva is used to paint the walls of the bower. The bower owner meticulously maintains it throughout the year. On the arrival of a female, the male Satin Bowerbird leaps into a ritualised display of exaggerated movements, such as strutting and bowing, with wings outstretched and quivering, and accompanied by a variety of mechanical-sounding calls, such as buzzing and rattling interspersed with mimicry."
Source: Birds in Backyards
Video: Satin Bowerbird Courtship behaviour by Carlo Ferraro
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