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The Matriarch walks

Posted by
: Helen : (is currently photographing in Melbourne, Australia) on 14 April 2015 in Lifestyle & Culture.

Tharu People

The Tharu people live in villages near the forests of Chitwan in the South of Nepal.

They hunted and cultivated seasonal crops, and to this day still crop and hunt small animals. They build huts from natural local materials. They value family and are very proud of their children.

The Tharu people are a curiosity in today's world as they are resistant to Malaria.

Canon EOS 5D Mark III 1/125 second F/4.0 ISO 100 106 mm

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omid from mashhad, Iran

very nice profile!
such beautiful composition, focus, details, DOF, colors & lighting!
L O V E L Y !!!

14 Apr 2015 9:14am

Devi from Chennai, India

That's a lovely portrait....the lines on her face speak a lot!!!!

14 Apr 2015 10:28am

Tataze from Bourgogne, France

la lumière est très douce, et donne cette douceur à cette petite dame au visage marqué par le temps. Un portrait que nous montre sans beaucoup dévoilé, et c'est parfait

14 Apr 2015 2:24pm

L'Angevine from Angers, France


15 Apr 2015 8:35am